
This userscript/extension replaces the review button with a dropdown that lists all the review queues on the current site and the number of available posts to review. It simply saves the trouble of going to /review and coming back if there's nothing to review. It also adds a quick access to /tools (it doesn't check if you have 10k reputation, though). I know it works in Opera and Chrome, but [I was told it works fine in Firefox as well][1].



**[Chrome Web Store](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/review-dropdown-for-stack/ljodngmjfoeaaoniljoifimkagdlkofn)**

You can also use [this userscript](https://gist.github.com/3ventic/11192624) (code below as well) in greasemonkey/tampermonkey or download the [Chrome/Opera extension](https://i.3ventic.eu/reviewdropdown.crx) (drag & drop it to extensions, uses pretty much the same code as userscript).

    // ==UserScript==
    // @name       Review link replaced
    // @namespace  stackexchange.com
    // @version    1.0
    // @description  Review link replaced with a dropdown menu allowing you to access 10k tools and see how many posts there are in each review queue, with links to each one.
    // @include	   http*://*.stackexchange.com/*
    // @include	   http*://*stackoverflow.com/*
    // @include	   http*://*superuser.com/*
    // @include	   http*://*serverfault.com/*
    // @include    http*://*mathoverflow.com/*
    // @exclude    http*://chat.stackexchange.com/*
    // @exclude    http*://chat.meta.stackoverflow.com/*
    // @exclude    http*://chat.stackoverflow.com/*
    // @copyright  2014+, 3ventic
    // ==/UserScript==
    var visible = false;
    var x1 = 0;
    var x2 = 0;
    var y1 = 0;
    var y2 = 0;
    $('.topbar-menu-links > a[href="/review"]').replaceWith('<a href="javascript:void(0)" id="userscript-review-dropdown" class="icon-help">review <span class="triangle"></span></a>');
    .userscript-hidden{display:none !important;}\
    #userscript-dropdown{z-index:1000;display:block;position:absolute;width:215px;font-family: \'Helvetica Neue\',Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif;}\
    #userscript-dropdown a{display:block;color:#07c;text-decoration:none;font-size:12px;background-color:#fff;border-bottom:1px solid #eee;padding:10px 7px}\
    #userscript-dropdown a:hover{background-color:#eee;}\
    #userscript-dropdown a:visited{color:#18529a;}\
    #userscript-dropdown a span{display:block;color:#111;margin-top:4px}\
    .userscript-clicked{color:#000 !important;background-color:#eee !important;}\
    <div id="userscript-disposal" class="userscript-hidden"></div><div id="userscript-dropdown" class="userscript-hidden"></div>'
    function doStuff(){
            $('#userscript-dropdown').html('<a href="/tools">Tools<span>10k moderation tools</span></a><a href="/review">Review<span>Access review queues</span></a>');
            $('#userscript-disposal').load("/review .dashboard-item", function(data){
                $('#userscript-disposal > .dashboard-item').each(function(index){
                    var title = $(this).find('.dashboard-title').text();
                    $('#userscript-dropdown').append('<a href="' + getUrl(title) + '">' + title + '<span>' + $(this).find('.dashboard-num').text() + ' item(s) to review</span></a>');
                    y2 = y2 + 49;
        	var offset = $('#userscript-review-dropdown').offset();
            y1 = offset.top + 34;
            y2 = offset.top + 34 + 2 * 49;
            x1 = offset.left;
            x2 = offset.left + 215;
        	$('#userscript-dropdown').removeClass('userscript-hidden').css('top', y1+"px").css('left', x1+"px");
        visible = !visible;
        if(!(e.pageX > x1 && e.pageX < x2 && e.pageY > y1 && e.pageY < y2) && visible) doStuff();
    function getUrl(que)
        if(que.match(/Low Quality Posts/)) return "/review/low-quality-posts";
        else if(que.match(/Close Votes/)) return "/review/close";
        else if(que.match(/Reopen Votes/)) return "/review/reopen";
        else if(que.match(/First Posts/)) return "/review/first-posts";
        else if(que.match(/Late Answers/)) return "/review/late-answers";
        else if(que.match(/Suggested Edits/)) return "/review/suggested-edits";
        else if(que.match(/Site Self-Evaluation/)) return "/review/site-eval";

  [1]: http://chat.meta.stackexchange.com/transcript/message/1992512#1992512
  [2]: https://i.sstatic.net/DoY7Q.gif