<strike>**This will eventually turn into the entry for my app.**</strike> *It didn't! See my other answer.* *Support: the page at http://stackoverflow.quickmediasolutions.com/stackad/ is having some trouble pulling answers.* // an url built with soapi-explore... // http://api.meta.stackoverflow.com/0.8/questions/53346/answers?body=true&min=6&order=asc&sort=votes // can be easily translated to Soapi.JS.. new Soapi.RouteFactory('api.meta.stackoverflow.com', '') .QuestionsByIdAnswers(53346).applyParameters({ body: true, min: 6, order: 'asc', sort: 'votes' }).getResponse( function success(data) { alert(data.answers[0].score); }, function error(err) { alert(err.message); });