<!-- version: 0.1 -->
<!-- thumbnail: https://i.sstatic.net/TOwxj.png -->
<!-- tag: app -->
<!-- excerpt: A basic organizer of your StackOverflow favorites.  -->

##Screenshot / Code Snippet
![enter image description here][2]


This basic website allows users to organize their StackOverflow favorites by tags, or search through favorites by keywords.


No specific license-- free for any use.

###Link to App



Currently tested for compatibility on the latest Firefox, Chrome and Internet Explorer.


Creator: Anton Pantev <br>
[email protected]<br>


JQuery and another StackApp called [StackUnderflow.js][6]

For code, please refer to the [github page][7].

  [1]: https://i.sstatic.net/Nx2MW.png
  [2]: https://i.sstatic.net/guyYl.png
  [3]: http://antonpantev.com/projects/stackfavorites/
  [4]: http://stackoverflow.com/users/340/anton
  [5]: https://github.com/antonpantev
  [6]: https://stackapps.com/questions/541/stackunderflow-js-a-javascript-library-and-mashup-application
  [7]: https://github.com/antonpantev/StackOverflow-Favorites-Organizer