**Using More Than One Site Per Page**

See Maxim Z's original question [here][1].

The StackTack plugin doesn't need to select the entire document to work, you can feed it any selection you like.


The only requirement for an element to become a Tack is to have a valid StackTack ID.  This affords you the ability to isolate Tacks to a certain portion of your page:


You can also use multiple StackTack instances to target different APIs or specify different defaults.  To target two different Stack sites on the same page, do the following:

    $('.stackoverflow-tack').stacktack({site: 'stackoverflow.com'});
    $('.serverfault-tack').stacktack({site: 'serverfault.com'});

    <div id="stacktack-12345" class="stackoverflow-tack"></div>
    <div id="stacktack-30303" class="serverfault-tack"></div>

The reason there is no class name override for the site parameter is because you can't represent a URL in a class name due to invalid characters.

  [1]: http://bitbucket.org/zamtools/stacktack/issue/1/should-be-able-to-specify-site-in-per-question