##Screenshot / Code Snippet

![Example: Last Read Image][1]

*Last Read Tracking - StackExtend tracks what questions you have previously viewed and indicates whether they have been read, and whether new answers are available on question summary pages.*

![Alt text][2]

*Extended User Information - StackExtend will include user information from all Stack Exchange sites when viewing a question*.


StackExtend is a Google Chrome extension intended to augment the user experience on the Stack Exchange "trilogy" of sites (as well as Meta Stack Overflow, and soon, additional Stack Exchange sites). For now, it does a couple of things:

* **Last Read Tracking** - As you browse Stack Overflow, Super User, or Server Fault, the extension will keep track of what questions you have viewed and the answer count of these questions. Whenever you are viewing a summary page, a subtle highlight will indicate both read questions, and read questions with new answers since your last view.

* **User Information Extension** - Whenever you view a question page within the trilogy of sites, StackExtend will extend the user information box with the reputation, and badge count of the user on the rest of the trilogy of sites.


GPL v3.


Source code is available for this extension at: http://bitbucket.org/enki42/stackextend

If you'd prefer to just install the extension, it is listed on the Google Chrome Extensions directory at: https://chrome.google.com/extensions/detail/cmbdgcnpckblnfmeagikpmblnblnkaln


StackExtend is a Google Chrome extension, and so is available for anyone running Google Chrome as their browser.


For any questions or comments, please feel free to e-mail me at [email protected].

You can browse our wiki or log any issues at http://bitbucket.org/enki42/stackextend (which is exceptionally sparse at the moment).

If you're interested in contributing to this extension, please feel free to let me know - my goal is to make this a treasure trove of various goodies to make Stack Overflow more effective for the "power user".


StackExtend is written entirely in JavaScript, making heavy use of jQuery to parse through the Stack Exchange pages. 

The source code is freely available at http://bitbucket.org/enki42/stackextend.

  [1]: http://img198.imageshack.us/img198/576/screenshotlastread.png
  [2]: http://img695.imageshack.us/img695/10/screenshotuserinfo.png