I'm not comfortable with auto-hiding any questions<sup>&ddagger;</sup>

 1. If they shouldn't show up, they should probably be deleted.
 2. Even [tag:obsolete] or [tag:placeholder] questions can be useful to other users, even new visitors/searchers.
 3. Power users can grey out or hide such questions:

  [![hide the cruft][1]][1]

  Admittedly, newer users may not be aware of such a feature, **so**:

 4. This further illustrates the usefulness of placing "OBSOLETE - " or "PLACEHOLDER - " in the title, if appropriate.

 5. And the obsolete/placeholder title snippets should be at the beginning of the title.


<sup>&ddagger;</sup> Except, maybe, some hypothetical locked questions

  [1]: https://i.sstatic.net/vbWE7.png