> **NOTE (2nd April, 2012):** After an e-mail correspondence with DuckDuckGo's Gabriel W. I decided to take down this project (and remove it from github) due to Terms of Service issues with aggregating search results. The short story: DDG aren't allowed to syndicate search results from external providers in other ways.
> I will try to implement the "autocompleter" functionality some other way in the future, so I'll keep this page for now. But until then hang tight. ;-)
> Sorry for the inconvenience.

#[DuckDuckStack][1] - The StackExchange API Doc Autocompleter

![The thumbnail screenshot][2]

DuckDuckStack is a user-script that extends the StackExchange with an API docs *autocompleter*, powered by [DuckDuckGo][3]. It is a [Greasemonkey][4] user-script and should run on Firefox and Chrome. 

In Chrome you will need to also install the [Tampermonkey][5] extension as the script uses features that native user-scripts can't (more specifically `@require` and `GM_xmlhttpRequest`).


To use the autocompleter do the following:

1. Start writing an answer on a stackexchange answer. To start using the autocompleter you type in `api:` which will open a list of available search tags should appear that will filter as you continue typing. You can move the selection with up/down arrow keys and select with the enter key. The search tags will group in related and unrelated tags.
2. When you've selected the search tag it will auto-insert it into the text like this: `api:[search tag]:`. After this you can write a search term which will let the user-script do a relevant site search in DuckDuckGo and list them. 
3. When you've selected the search result you want it will auto-insert the link into your post.

The screenshots below shows this three step flow:

![API Doc Completion Flow][6]

The token that the script reacts on looks like this: `api:[search tag]:[search term]`.

###Supported Search Tags

The following tags are currently supported in the user-script:

* `css`, `html`, and `javascript` - Searches in [Mozilla Developer Network](https://developer.mozilla.org)
* `man` for man-pages - Searches in [linux.die.net](http://linux.die.net/man/)
* `msdn` - Searches in [Microsoft Developer Network](http://msdn.microsoft.com)
* `jquery` - Searches in [JQuery API docs](http://api.jquery.com)

I'll add more if there are any requests for such.


**Download link removed for now. See note above.**

##Feedback and bug reports

Feel free to drop some comments below and bugs are great if you enter them into the [bug tracker at github][8].

##License and Credits

The user-script is licensed under the MIT License. 

It requires [jQuery][9] and the [jQuery Caret Plugin][10] which is loaded by the user-script. The logo is DuckDuckGo's.

  [1]: https://github.com/spoike/duckduckstack
  [2]: https://i.sstatic.net/IwJHX.png
  [3]: http://duckduckgo.com/
  [4]: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/greasemonkey/
  [5]: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/dhdgffkkebhmkfjojejmpbldmpobfkfo
  [6]: https://i.sstatic.net/Dfcp6.png
  [7]: https://github.com/spoike/duckduckstack/raw/master/apicomplete.user.js
  [8]: https://github.com/spoike/duckduckstack/issues
  [9]: http://jquery.com/
  [10]: https://sites.google.com/site/plugins4jquery/my-plugins/jquery-caret-plugin/usage