<!-- thumbnail: https://i.sstatic.net/PSXjI.png -->
<!-- excerpt: The script you never knew you needed. -->

*This userscript is part of [SOMU (SO-mod-userscripts)](https://github.com/samliew/SO-mod-userscripts)*

# [Post Headers & Question TOC](https://github.com/samliew/SO-mod-userscripts/blob/master/PostHeadersQuestionToc.user.js)

- Sticky post headers to help when scrolling long posts / comment threads
  - User, revision history, post timeline links
  - Clicking on empty middle area scrolls to start of post (replaces URL hash)

- Question Table of Contents of Answers in sidebar below Featured Posts module
  - Answer score, accepted, user display name, indicates mods and deleted users, datetime
  - Sorted by current answer sort order (active/oldest/votes)
  - Clicking on answer links scrolls to start of post (replaces URL hash)
  - Toggle deleted answers in ToC




[Source][2] ([Install][3])


This userscript is part of [SOMU (SO-mod-userscripts)](https://github.com/samliew/SO-mod-userscripts)

[Bug reports][4], Forks, and PRs welcome!

  [1]: https://github.com/samliew/SO-mod-userscripts/blob/master/LICENCE
  [2]: https://github.com/samliew/SO-mod-userscripts/blob/master/PostHeadersQuestionToc.user.js
  [3]: https://github.com/samliew/SO-mod-userscripts/raw/master/PostHeadersQuestionToc.user.js
  [4]: https://github.com/samliew/SO-mod-userscripts/issues