<!-- thumbnail: http://s3.amazonaws.com/uso_ss/15544/thumb.png?1326047798 -->
<!-- tag: script -->
<!-- excerpt: GreaseMonkey script allowing to plonk a user you don't want to help anymore  -->

##Screenshot / Code Snippet

![Plonk button in profile page][1]

![Warning message on a question from a plonked user][2]


If you really don't want to help some user anymore, go to his profile page, and click the *Plonk* button next to his name. Every question of this user will then have a big warning *Don't answer: this user is plonked*.

You may always unplonk the user by clicking the *Unplonk* button next to his name, in his profile page.

The plonk list is saved in Firefox `about:config` page. Search for "plonk" to find it.


No license. Do whatever you want with it.


[Download from userscripts.org][3]


Firefox, or any browser supporting GreaseMonkey scripts.

  [1]: https://i.sstatic.net/C1rNI.png
  [2]: https://i.sstatic.net/kF9gg.png
  [3]: http://userscripts.org/scripts/show/122583