The [authentication docs]( state that the [`scopes` parameter]( of the URL to which a user should be directed to, for implicit authentication, should be a list of scopes that are delimited by either commas or spaces. While both delimiting options worked with the old one, **delimiting with commas doesn't work with the new authentication dialog**. When delimited **with commas** (as `scope=read_inbox,no_expiry,write_access,private_info`) or by the HTML-encoded `,` character `%2C`, the authentication dialog reads, [![Bad result][1]][2] <sup>(Incorrect)</sup> When delimited **with spaces** (as `scope=read_inbox no_expiry write_access private_info`), it reads, [![Correct result][3]][4] <sup>(Correct)</sup> [1]: "Click for larger view." [2]: "Click for larger view." [3]: "Click for larger view." [4]: "Click for larger view."