Version history:

## 1.0
 - **1.0.1**: Fix the `\ce{}` highlighting bug. It now highlights properly even when you haven't selected anything. (Makes it useful to just hit <kbd>Alt</kbd>-<kbd>C</kbd>/whatever and start typing the formula)
 - **1.0.2**: Add electronics.SE (with config $,$$,SI--special treatment of $ due to EE.SE requiring backslashes). Also crypto.SE (config $,$$, O--big O notation)
 - **1.0.3**: Add stats.SE, quant.SE. Also a vector-field button to Physics.SE.

## 2.0 

Now does not need to be updated, will fetch script once every day(it relies on your browser cache to not re-fetch, it reloads a new script by modifying a query string).

 - **2.0.0**:  add dsp.SE ($,$$)
 - **2.1**: Tooltips huzzah!
 - **2.1.1**: add cogsci.SE (dollars)
 - **2.2**: Add an enter-exit math mode shortcut (<kbd>Alt</kbd>-<kbd>Z</kbd>). Extremely useful when keeping the flow of typing
 - **2.2.0**: Add cstheory.SE and CS.SE (dollars, `$\mathsf{...}$`, and big O)
 - **2.2.1**: Stupid firefox doesn't support `window.location.origin`
 - **2.2.2**: Add scicomp($,$$). Improve internals-- Inline math/block math delimiters are more easily specified. Also, the entire script is wrapped in the `MathJaxButtons` object, now nothing is directly in the `window` object.