<!-- version: beta --> <!-- tag: ipad --> <!-- excerpt: Stack Reader for iPad is going to be a convenient way to everyday-read of any site(s) from the Stack Exchange Network. Currently looking for beta-testers. --> ##Screenshot ![Stack Reader for iPad icon][1] ##About Stack Reader for iPad is going to be a convenient way to everyday-read of any site(s) from the Stack Exchange Network. Currently, we're looking for beta-testers. Please visit https://stackreader.tenderapp.com/kb/stack-reader/beta-testing for details. ###License Paid app. ###Download In Apple App Store soon. ###Platform All Apple iPads (iOS 5.1 or above). ##Contact Piotr Byzia http://stackreaderapp.com/ Twitter: [@StackReader][2] [1]: https://i.sstatic.net/Z6MLK.png [2]: http://twitter.com/#!/stackreader