I recently added more than one "Favourite" tag and got pretty irritated by the sea of yellow on the home page.

As such I wrote this little user script (for use in Chrome's Tampermonkey) which grabs your favourite tags and colors them differently.

    // ==UserScript==
    // @name       Multiple colors on StackOverflow home
    // @namespace  http://davunderscorei.co.uk
    // @version    0.1
    // @description  enter something useful
    // @match      *stackoverflow.com*
    // @require http://code.jquery.com/jquery-latest.js
    // @copyright  2014 dav_i
    // ==/UserScript==
    StackExchange.ready(function () {
        var tags = $.map(
                    function (x) {
                       return $(x).text().replace('#', 'ñ');
        var colors = ['#ffefc6', 
            'rgb(240, 171, 171)', 
            'rgb(200, 228, 164)',
            'rgb(171, 196, 240)'];
        var interestingQuestionSelector = '.question-summary.tagged-interesting';
        var interestingQuestions = $(interestingQuestionSelector);
        $.each(tags, function(i, x) {
                .find('.tags.t-' + x)
                .css('background-color', colors[i % colors.length]);    

Thought I'd share it incase anyone else is as irritated by this as me.


![enter image description here][1]

  [1]: https://i.sstatic.net/qvQbq.jpg