"Surely" (or at least _hopefully_) I'm not the first to wonder about this (but a search on "StackEye security" gets me nothing). All I really want to do is follow users on StackExchange and so I followed my nose to a ~10 year old canonical [answer](https://meta.stackexchange.com/a/225503) for doing so. So far so good, let's install the **StackEye** extension in **Chrome** then. But what I see there makes my blood run cold. Can it really, truly *Read and change all your data on all websites?* And which should worry me more? ***Read and Change*** or **_ALL_**? [![screenshot][1]][1] So my question is **what is the basic tenet of RSS security that applies here** because I can't imagine that things are as bad as this makes it sound. For example: - Are there any _permanent_ risks to my device or would the "worst that could happen" still be ephemeral, affecting only the current view of the page? - Can the extension change modify unrelated cookies or install tracking? - What am I _really_ giving up (if anything) if I go ahead and click [Add Extension]? [1]: https://i.sstatic.net/XRicz.png