<!-- thumbnail: http://example.com/some-image.png -->
<!-- version: 0.0 -->
<!-- tag: search -->
<!-- excerpt: Convert a search on a StackExchange site to a Google search of that site -->

##Screenshot / Code Snippet

![screenshot of se search to google search][1]


Adds a `Google` button below the `Search` button on the search page which takes you to a Google search restricted to the current Stack Exchange site but with the same search terms otherwise.


I hereby release this script into the public domain. Do what you want with it.


You can download it directly from github:gist: [Download][2]

If you are using Firefox with Greasemonkey installed and enabled, you can [install it directly by clicking here][3].


It's a browser user script so it can be used directly on Google Chrome and opera via their "extensions" menus and pages. On Firefox it requires [Greasemonkey][4]. So far It's only been tested in Google Chrome on Windows 7.


You can contact me, Andrew Dunbar, a.k.a. hippietrail via [the Travel Stack Exchange chat room, "You Are Here"][5], or just leave a comment or answer right here in StackApps.


It's written in heavily [jQuery][6] -ified JavaScript.  
Read the code [on github][7].  
Make a clone of the code on github.

  [1]: https://i.sstatic.net/dMwqq.png
  [2]: https://gist.github.com/gists/4186914/download
  [3]: https://gist.github.com/raw/4186914/6b87737aa37e65196d601ab087a4cfeb2f764c9a/ht-se-search-google.user.js
  [4]: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/greasemonkey/
  [5]: http://chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/591
  [6]: http://jquery.com
  [7]: https://gist.github.com/4186914