I am trying to build an RSS feed that includes any/all questions that I have answered, and been accepted as the correct answer.

I am running into an issue where I'm sending too many requests and wonder if there is a more simple way to accomplish it.  (I am using stackphp) 

***Steps I am taking***

 1. Get My profile (for total answer count)
 2. Get All my answers
 3. Loop through All answers (using total count/pagesize to iterate through multiple pages if need be. And filter answers (checking if accepted)
 4. Build a Questions array by Grabbing each question associated with each answer (`$answer['question_id']`) individually

Then I (theoretically) will have an answers array and a questions array with corresponding keys that will hold only accepted answers/questions

It gets through a certain number of requests and then fails, I believe I'm overloading the API (I'm using an API key).

Is there any way to (through the API) ask to have the question body/title included with answers?  And/or is there a better way to approach this that I'm not seeing?