##Screenshot [![][1]][1] ##About StackAd Scroller is a small web application that scrolls the open source ads from [this](https://meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/53346/open-source-advertising-sidebar-2h-2010) Meta question. It is highly configurable and makes a nice page to leave your web browser open to. It would also be great for running before a presentation or something while people come in and find a seat. ###License MIT License ###Download Dead Link: <del>https://stackoverflow.quickmediasolutions.com/stackad/fancy.html</del> ###Platform Any browser that supports jQuery and has JavaScript turned on. ##Contact I can be reached at [email protected] ##Code The code is based on my [StackAd](https://stackapps.com/questions/741/stackad-an-easy-way-to-display-open-source-ads-on-your-site-blog) tool, which in turn depends on [Soapi.js](https://stackapps.com/questions/494/soapi-js-easy-to-use-fluent-javascript-wrapper-for-the-stackoverflow-api). [1]: https://i.sstatic.net/IIWru.png