![alt text][1]

        <script type="text/javascript" src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.4.2/jquery.min.js"></script>
        <script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.stacktack.js"></script>
        <script type="text/javascript"> 
            $(document).ready(function() {


StackTack is widget for bloggers and writers to easily tack questions and answers from the StackExchange sites such as StackOverflow, ServerFault and SuperUser, into their articles. The widget remains up to date as answers get added, modified, voted on and accepted.

Complete information and instructions are available here on the [StackTack Wiki][2].


BSD - Do with it what you will, but please give Zamtools credit and please let us know what you're doing with it. We're curious to see how people use this.


No download necessary.  StackTack is globally hosted on Amazon S3.  Simply add a reference to it in your HTML.


StackTack is intended for use on web pages, blogs and articles.  Anywhere an author may want to include a StackExchange question.


Bug reports and communications can be made on the [StackTack BitBucket bug tracker][3].


StackTack is written in Javascript and JQuery and consumes the Stack API directly via AJAX requests. The source can be found at the [StackTack BitBucket repository][4].

  [1]: http://img24.imageshack.us/img24/417/captureqi.png
  [2]: http://bitbucket.org/zamtools/stacktack/wiki/Home
  [3]: http://bitbucket.org/zamtools/stacktack/issues?status=new&status=open
  [4]: http://bitbucket.org/zamtools/stacktack/src