I'm trying to get the yearly total number of questions that have the tag `browserify`. I can see that there are questions tagged from this year like [this one](http://stackoverflow.com/q/33852787/371899) and [that one](http://stackoverflow.com/q/33847320/371899). The site reports that there are **1491** total questions tagged `browserify`. When I limit the dates to this year, I get no results. So I tried querying for questions from before this year, and I get 1491 total questions with the following query created using the [try it](https://api.stackexchange.com/docs/tags#fromdate=2008-01-01&todate=2015-01-01&order=asc&sort=popular&inname=browserify&filter=!bNKX0pf0ks0Yi6&site=stackoverflow&run=true) page: { "count": 9, "name": "browserify-rails" }, { "count": 90, "name": "browserify-shim" }, { "count": 1491, "name": "browserify" } The information I am getting back from the API seems to be telling me that there are no questions from this year that were tagged with "browserify". Yet I can find questions from this year with the "browserify" tag. I cannot see where I am going wrong in my usage of the API. My question is different to ["How to get all questions with a specific tag between certain dates"](http://stackapps.com/q/6636/36874) because the total numbers I see do not match the data I see on the site. I have no issues with paging.