
The `revisions` routes' date keys diverge from the established naming convention.

e.g. all other routes use `todate` and `fromdate` whereas the `revisions` use `toDate` and `fromDate`.

Are keys case sensitive? If so, could this be addressed? I am building a wrapper and this single exception gives me a rash.


for `badges/name`,  `name` seems to be vestigal.


`answers/{id}` implies that id is singular where as a vector is accepted

`revisions/{id}/{revisionguid}` - case mismatch between route and definition, `revisionguid` != `revisionGuid`

`/users/{id}/tags` - id is not listed in parameters


**For reference**: I am writing a **self-generating API wrapper** for the **self-documenting API** in the interest of not having to manually test every route and method upon new releases. Simply regenerate and run tests and/or diff to find API changes.