I am trying to query stackoverflow and route it to my website via the following

    require_once './stackphp_source_0.4/src/api.php';
    require_once './includes/function.php';
    // Begin by getting a Site object for Stack Overflow.
    // We can use 'stackoverflow' or 'stackoverflow.com' here.
    $question = new QuestionRequest('http://www.stackoverflow.com', null);
    $question = $question->Search("C#");
    // paged Response object
    $page = $question->Answers()->Exec(); 
    		  <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
      		<title>Stack.PHP - User's Questions</title>
      <!-- <link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='../common/style.css' /> -->
    		<?php include("includes/banner.php"); ?>
    		<div class="main_content">
    			  <h2>Questions Asked By User #1 on Stack Overflow</h2>
    			  <?php echo $page->Fetch(); ?>
    	<?php include("includes/script_includes.php"); ?>

I keep getting the error

Curl was unable to retrieve the data from the specified URL.

Any thoughts

EDIT ----------------------

thank you this worked.