
A new question notification in Chrome in Windows 7

<img src="http://imgur.com/Yuzpd.jpg" alt="Hosted by imgur.com" />

The options page
<img src="http://imgur.com/LYJ9G.jpg" alt="Hosted by imgur.com" />


I like to check StackOverflow for new questions to answer. I spend a lot of time refreshing the My Tags tab on the Unanswered page. Well, those days are over, I can now freely roam the Internet or even use other applications, whenever a new question is posted to my favorite Stack Trilogy site which has my chosen tags I get a Desktop Notification like the one seen in the screenshot above. If I'm interested in the question I click on the "New! Q" button next to omnibar in Google Chrome and a new tab will be opened with that question. UPDATE: I can also just click in the link on the notification itself! It's that easy! 

This is done with a Google Chrome extension which checks every minute or so for new questions with the desired tags using jQuery and the StackExchange API. If a new question is found a Desktop Notification is sent up using WebKit's implementation of the HTML5 Desktop Notification system. The tags and site you are interested in are set using the options page which can be accessed by right clicking the new "New! Q" button. These settings are stored in HTML5 local storage.


[Creative Commons Attribution 3.0][1]


Chrome Gallary: [https://chrome.google.com/extensions/detail/bffhpbgmmflmoacglmdnilfjkeeokkfn][2]

Source Code:


Google Chrome (tested with 5.0.375.70, but probably works with slightly earlier versions)


Here or at sourceforge.net


Written in javascript,jQuery, and HTML in a google chrome extension. This is a work in progress. Feel free to improve it. I could especially use better icons. [https://sourceforge.net/projects/newq/files/][4]

SVN: [https://newq.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/newq][5]

  [1]: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/us/
  [2]: https://chrome.google.com/extensions/detail/bffhpbgmmflmoacglmdnilfjkeeokkfn
  [3]: https://sourceforge.net/projects/newq/files/
  [4]: https://sourceforge.net/projects/newq/files/
  [5]: https://newq.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/newq