
I've just delved into the stackauth methods for the first time today, and I can't help but notice that there's no real URL friendly key exposed.

For example, I want a unique URL for each API endpoint in my app, so that it can be bookmarked. E.g. http://www.column80.com/?site=stackoverflow

But none of the keys provided are any good. `name` has spaces (who wants a %20 in their URL?). `site_url` is even worse for including in a URL (it contains http:// etc), and you haven't specified that the index is reliable (and even if it were, http://www.column80.com/?site=1 doesn't *mean* anything to anyone, especially not if you want to do SEO in the future - and it means doing a `for x=...` loop instead of a `for each` loop).

So my only option at the moment is to roll my own, which is

1. Annoying
2. Unreliable
3. Slow(er than it has to be)

A unique key would fix that, because keys can be descriptive, and generally don't contain spaces, and even a 3-letter (`mso` etc) key is more descriptive than `1`