<!-- thumbnail: https://cdn.sstatic.net/Sites/stackapps/Img/library-thumb.png?v=49f4037134e5 -->
<!-- version: 1.0 -->
<!-- tag: a-tag-on-the-post -->
<!-- excerpt: A userscript to view close/reopen/delete votes on all questions even with low reputation -->

##Screenshot / Code Snippet



This script shows the number of current close/reopen votes and delete votes for a question. Works on all SE sites. 


GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0


[Install userscript][2]


Install using a userscript manager like [Tampermonkey][3]


Contact [Daniil][4] for any bugs/feedbacks


Written using Javascript, uses jQuery. Source code available [here][5].

  [1]: https://i.sstatic.net/bQvhC.png
  [2]: https://gist.github.com/Daniil-M-beep/ba0c2300db72bd7660128c9b339d8ab1/raw/7f02d161851b4db5965d07d0c92ad6242eed4d4d/retrieveCVRVDV.user.js
  [3]: https://www.tampermonkey.net/
  [4]: https://stackapps.com/users/69047/daniil
  [5]: https://gist.github.com/Daniil-M-beep/ba0c2300db72bd7660128c9b339d8ab1