#Change Log

On 12/02/16, SOOF was renamed to SOX and rewritten by ᔕᖺᘎᕊ and ᴉʞuǝ. The versioning was reset.

- 24/02/18 - [v2.1.0](https://github.com/soscripted/sox/issues?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=is%3Aissue%20milestone%3Av2.1.0%20):
 - various bug fixes
 - many new features added
 - updated to be compatible with the new topbar and site design changes made by SE
 - versioning changed to MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH style
- 21/12/16 - [v2.0.2](https://github.com/soscripted/sox/issues?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=is%3Aissue%20milestone%3Av2.0.2%20):
 - revamped dialog to include info hover buttons
 - added `disableOwnPostVoteButtons`, `flagPercentageBar`, `replyToOwnChatMessages` (thanks @IStoleThePies), `hideCertainQuestions`, `inlineEditorEverywhere` (thanks @nicael) features
 - fixed `enhancedEditor` feature
 - fixed `downvotedPostsEditAlert` feature
 - fixed issues with certain features not working in Firefox
 - deprecated `addEllipsis` feature
 - reordered features in dialog and made more categories for easier searching
 - added debug mode to help SOX devs fix bugs quicker and easier
 - features no longer run on page where they weren't designed to run on, fixing lots of weird bugs
 - completely rewritten `fixedTopbar` feature to work on all sites without manual configuration (thanks @IStoleThePies!)
 - fixed design issues with features with their own dialogs (thanks @IStoleThePies!)
 - fixed long-standing bug where the fancy vote buttons caused tearing on Skeptics.SE (thanks @IStoleThePies!)
 - fixes bugs in various features, which can be seen in the v2.0.2 Github milestone

- 01/10/16 - [v2.0.1](https://github.com/soscripted/sox/issues?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=is%3Aissue%20milestone%3Av2.0.1%20):
  - many more bug fixes
  - fixed major issue where script did not work at all on Firefox
  - fixed cross-browser compatibility issues with the access token
  - rewritten downvotedPostsEditAlert feature to make it easier to use and more functional
  - known bug: the downvotedPostsEditAlert feature is flaky right now
- 02/07/16 - [v2.0.0](https://github.com/soscripted/sox/issues?q=is%3Aclosed+milestone%3Av2.0.0):
  - Completely refactored version fixing a lot of bugs
  - deprecated feature that hides the search bar, feature that removes excessive exclamation marks from comments, quickCommentShortcuts feature
  - removed Ace Editor from the enhanced editor feature
  - bug fixes
  - fixed timing issues
  - setting dialog UI updates
  - script now request oauth access after installing to prevent rate limiting on certain features
  - added alignBadgesByClass, quickAuthorInfo, warnNotLoggedIn, hotNetworkQuestionsFiltering, hiddenCommentsIndicator features
- 05/04/16 - [v1.0.3](https://github.com/soscripted/sox/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aclosed+milestone%3Av1.0.3):
    - SOX settings dialog now has a search bar and is a menu just like the inbox
    - new features
    - bug fixes
- 06/03/16 - v1.0.2:
    - rewrote parts of script to allow better control over what features run when
    - bug fixes
    - added new feature (enhanced editor)
- 28/02/16 - v1.0.1:
    - lots of bug fixes
    - rewrote some helper functions
    - built in error handling
- 12/02/16 - v1.0: SOOF is now SOX.

Please see the revision history for this post to see the change log for SOOF, before it was renamed.