This post is to inform you that i had created a stack overflow command line interface. I need your comments and suggestions... 

See the GitHub link for more info:

Stack overflow command line written in python. Using SoCLI you can search and browse stack overflow without leaving the terminal. Just use the **socli** command:

![SoCLI in action](

### Usage
##### Quick search
Just use **socli** command followed by the search query:
```socli for loop in python syntax

The above command will search for the query "*for loop in python syntax*" and displays the first most voted question in stack overflow with its most voted answer. Pretty quick, right?

##### Interactive search
You can search the stack overflow interactively by using the command below:
socli -iq html error 404

This will display a list of questions from stack overflow for the query "*html error 404*" and it will allow you to choose any of the question you like interactively. When you chose a question, it will display the complete description of the chosed question with its most voted answer. Now you can browse through all the answers of that questions on stack overflow interactively.

##### Manual search
This will allow you to choose a question number for example:
socli -r 2 -q javascript porotype function
Will search for "*javascript porotype function*" in stack overflow and displays the second question that contains it.

##### Topic based search
Stack overflow supports topic by using tags. **socli** allows you to query stack overflow based on specific tags.  Just specify the tag via the following command:
socli -t javascript -q
You can also specify multiple tags, Just seporate them with a comma:
socli -t javascript,node.js -q
See the complete list of tags [here](

##### New question
If you can't find an answer for your question in stack overflow, **socli** allows you to creata a new question via the web browswer. Just type the command below and **socli** will open the new question page of stack overflow in the web browser for you:
socli -n

### Syntax:
**socli** has the following syntax
Usage: socli [ Arguments] < Search Query >
###### Query
It refers to query to search in stack overflow.

### Features
These are the amazing features of **socli**:
* Manual Search
* Interactively browse stack overflow using the interactive mode
* Coloured interface
* Question stats view
* Tag support
* Can open the page in a browser
* Can create a new question via the web browser