<!-- thumbnail: http://hewgill.com/senotifier/senotifier.png --> <!-- version: 1.0 --> <!-- tag: mac-os-x --> <!-- excerpt: SENotifier is a Mac OS X app that shows the current contents of your Stack Exchange inbox in the menu bar. --> ##Screenshot ![screenshot](http://hewgill.com/senotifier/senotifier.png) ##Updates ###Version 1.0 - Option to automatically start at login - Login token now requested with `no_expiry` (you may need to re-allow after upgrading) - New application icon ###Version 0.5 - Now compatible with Mac OS X 10.6 (Snow Leopard) and later - Different hide times are now available - Status icon is black when there are no messages (thanks Kevin Sołtysiak) - Better error handling and reporting on inbox checking failure ###Version 0.4 - [Growl][1] support built-in (optional, notifications off by default) - Site icon is now displayed in notification menu items ##About SENotifier is a Mac OS X app that shows the current contents of your Stack Exchange inbox in the menu bar and was inspired by [Gmail Notifier][2]. I created this app so the inbox notifier would be visible all the time, instead of only when a Stack Exchange page was loaded in the browser. This app uses the new Stack Exchange API v2.0 with authentication, so it can get the current contents of your inbox. ###License BSD license. ###Download [Download](http://hewgill.com/senotifier/stack-exchange-notifier-1.0.dmg) (360 KB `.dmg`) ###Platform SENotifier requires Mac OS X 10.6 (Snow Leopard) or later. ##Contact [Greg Hewgill](http://hewgill.com) ##Code This app is developed in Objective-C using [Xcode][3] 4.2. No (Stack Exchange) libraries were harmed in the creation of this software (that means the authentication flow is all straight Objective-C code). [SBJson](http://stig.github.com/json-framework/) is used for the JSON parsing bits. The code is available on [GitHub][4] at https://github.com/ghewgill/senotifier. ##Self-promotion ![Enter image description here][5] [1]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Growl_%28software%29 [2]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gmail_interface#Applications [3]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xcode [4]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GitHub [5]: https://i.sstatic.net/qAWiC.png