Just want to confirm if I'm doing this right. The [/questions](https://api.stackexchange.com/docs/questions) guide doesnt mention this. Let's say I want to ask for multiple tags in one request, am I doing this right? https://api.stackexchange.com/2.2/questions?pagesize=70&order=desc&sort=activity&site=stackoverflow&tagged=google-docs-api&tagged=firebase-database&tagged=android-sdk&tagged=google-drive-sdk&fromdate=1515888000 So basically what I'm doing is to chain multiple 'tagged=ACTUAL_TAG' together. I get a successful response but when I compare that in the "stackover flow search q" results, https://stackoverflow.com/search?q= I get varying results/responses - they're not exactly alike. Some of the questions from the "stackover flow search q" are not found in my URI request.That's why I'm asking if I'm doing something wrong.. Thanks in advance.