<h3>Six to Eight : <a href="http://www.sixtoeightapp.com/">Now with a website of its very own</a>, and waiting for App Store review!</h3> A pocket sized client, for you to track your activity and get answers to those niggly, "need an answer right now" problems. Full browsing, searching, statistics and user tracking. <img src="http://www.sixtoeightapp.com/media/screenshot-1.png" width="200"> <img src="http://www.sixtoeightapp.com/media/screenshot-2.png" width="200"> <img src="http://www.sixtoeightapp.com/media/screenshot-3.png" width="200"> ###License & download. I've submitted to the App Store, which is currently handling 85% of reviews within 7 days. Of course, actual availability will depend on if them not managing to tease out a flaw I've not seen. If it looks likely to take a long time, I'll do an ad-hoc distribution to the more interested parties. ###Platform iOS 4 devices. ###Contact I'd love feedback here, or by email (my site is http://www.archgrove.co.uk, email adamw@). The weakest part is question/answer display. I have some fun ideas for a new touch based interface for it, but all feedback is very welcome. ###Code Objective C, using my own API wrapper (focused on easy UI concurrency and state caching/update). Large chunks of it will be open sourced when I've had the chance to document it. I'm also writing a few blog posts that new API users might find useful.