<!-- version: 1.0 --> ![A screenshot][1] This script adds an edit link to the question summary, saving frequent editors the trouble of "entering" the question first. Adjust includes as needed: <!-- language: javascript --> // ==UserScript== // @require https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.7.1/jquery.min.js // @name Direct Question Edit Links // @namespace stackoverflow // @include *stackoverflow.com* // ==/UserScript== (function () { var cancelWaiting = false; window.setTimeout(function () { cancelWaiting = true; }, 5000); waitForQuestions(); function waitForQuestions() { var jQuestions = $("div.question-summary"); if (jQuestions.length == 0) if (!cancelWaiting) window.setTimeout(waitForQuestions, 100); else addLinks(jQuestions); } function addLinks(jQuestions) { jQuestions.each(function (i, e) { var jQuestion = $(e); var jHeader = $("div.summary h3", e); var id = $("a", jHeader) .attr("href") .match(/[0-9]+(?=\/)/)[0]; var link = $("<a/>"); link.attr("href", "/posts/" + id + "/edit"); link.html("Edit"); link.css("margin-left", "5px"); link.css("color", "grey"); link.css("font-size", "small"); link.css("visibility", "hidden"); jQuestion.mouseenter(function () { link.css("visibility", "visible"); }); jQuestion.mouseleave(function () { link.css("visibility", "hidden"); }); jHeader.append(link); }); } })(); [1]: https://i.sstatic.net/DRL5H.png