# About Do you ever find yourself spending too much time on Meta and not enough time answering "real" questions? This script will hide links to per-site metas from the Community Bulletin, which is a main route to Meta. However, featured [Meta Stack Exchange](//meta.stackexchange.com) posts, announcements, events, blog posts, and podcast links will still be shown. If none of the aforementioned special links are in the bulletin (it's only Meta links), the bulletin will be hidden entirely. This script was inspired by [this post](http://meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/251920/provide-a-setting-to-hide-meta-posts-in-the-community-bulletin) on [Meta Stack Overflow](//meta.stackoverflow.com/). # Download You can download the script from [Greasy Fork](https://greasyfork.org/scripts/4166-hide-the-community-bulletin) ([Direct Link](https://greasyfork.org/scripts/4166-hide-the-community-bulletin/code/Hide%20the%20Community%20Bulletin.user.js)) or [view the source code](https://greasyfork.org/scripts/4166-hide-the-community-bulletin/code). # Installation See the [tag:script] tag wiki for details on userscript installation. # History See the [Greasy Fork changelog](https://greasyfork.org/scripts/4166-hide-the-community-bulletin/versions). # Contact Please post bug reports or feature requests on this page as an answer or comment.