<!-- thumbnail: https://i.sstatic.net/FrXxu.png --> <!-- version: 1.1 --> <!-- tag: script --> <!-- excerpt: Convenient userscript to show a message when a answer or comment is removed when following a link --> ### About: When you follow a link to a comment or answer you might end-up being confused if the answer or comment is removed. This little userscript shows a warning on top of the page when the link you just used contains a fragment to an answer or comment that no longer exists on the page. *This is a repost of [my original answer](https://meta.stackexchange.com/a/251236/158100) on Meta Stack Exchange* ### Screenshot: Here is an [Animated GIF to show the script in action][2] <sup>*GIF kindly provided by user [41686d6564](https://stackapps.com/users/80115/41686d6564)*</sup> ### Download / Install: You can find it ready to be consumed by TamperMonkey or GreaseMonkey on the Github repository. Here is the [direct install](https://github.com/rschrieken/SmallButHandy/raw/master/CheckForExistingCorA.user.js) aand here it the [source](https://github.com/rschrieken/SmallButHandy/blob/master/CheckForExistingCorA.user.js). ### Platform: The script will run on any browser that support userscripts with the general available userscript managers like Tampermonkey or GreaseMonkey. ### Contact: If you find a bug or have a feature request either create an [issue](https://github.com/rschrieken/SmallButHandy/issues) or leave a comment here. Allow for 6 to 8 weeks before fixing. ### License: The code is released under the MIT License ### Code: The code is written in JavaScript and has a dependency on the jQuery loaded on the page by Stack Exchange. For interested parties here is the full code: ```js // ==UserScript== // @name Check if comment and answer exist // @namespace http://meta.stackexchange.com/users/158100/rene // @version 1.2 // @description Show a message if the answer or comment in the hash of the url doesn't exist // @author rene // @match *://*.stackexchange.com/questions/* // @match *://stackoverflow.com/questions/* // @match *://serverfault.com/questions/* // @match *://askubuntu.com/questions/* // @match *://mathoverflow.net/questions/* // @match *://stackapps.com/questions/* // @match *://superuser.com/questions/* // @grant none // ==/UserScript== (function (document, window, StackExchange) { var hash = (window.location && window.location.hash)?window.location.hash:''; function showMessage(jqsel, text) { if (jqsel === null) { // wait for SE to be ready StackExchange.initialized.done(function() { var classid = 'missing-post-or-comment'; // put a notify on top StackExchange.notify.show('The ' + text + ' is not found. It may have been deleted', classid); // remove it automagically after 5 seconds setTimeout(function () { StackExchange.notify.close(classid);}, 5000); }); } } StackExchange.ready( function() { if (hash.length > 0) { cleanHash = hash.substring(1); if (cleanHash.indexOf('comment') === 0) { ids = cleanHash.substring(7).split('_'); var lnk = document.getElementById('comments-link-' + ids[1]); if (lnk !== null) { StackExchange.comments.loadAll(lnk).done(function() { showMessage(document.getElementById('comment-'+ ids[0]), 'comment'); }); } else { showMessage(document.getElementById('comment-'+ ids[0]), 'comment'); } // Make sure the hash is not the ID of the question. } else if (window.location.pathname.indexOf('/questions/' + cleanHash) !== 0) { if (!isNaN(Number.parseInt(cleanHash, 10))) { showMessage(document.getElementById('answer-' + cleanHash), 'answer'); } } } }); }(document || unsafeWindow.document, window || unsafeWindow, StackExchange || unsafeWindow.StackExchange )); ``` Or find it in the [GitHub repo](https://github.com/rschrieken/SmallButHandy/blob/master/CheckForExistingCorA.user.js) where you're invited to submit pull requests. [2]: https://i.sstatic.net/rMtWC.gif