<h3>Six to Eight : <a href="http://www.sixtoeightapp.com/">Now with a website of its very own</a></h3> A pocket sized client, for you to track your activity and get answers to those niggly, "need an answer right now" problems. Full browsing, searching, statistics and user tracking. <img src="http://www.sixtoeightapp.com/media/screenshot-1.png" width="200"> <img src="http://www.sixtoeightapp.com/media/screenshot-2.png" width="200"> <img src="http://www.sixtoeightapp.com/media/screenshot-3.png" width="200"> ###License & download. I'm planning to submit to the App Store in few days. assuming it survives field trials. Of course, actual availability will depend on how quickly Apple approve it. If it looks likely to take a long time, I'll do an ad-hoc distribution to the more interested parties. ###Platform iOS 4 devices. ###Contact I'd love feedback here, or by email (my site is http://www.archgrove.co.uk, email adamw@). The weakest part is question/answer display. I have some fun ideas for a new touch based interface for it, but all feedback is very welcome. ###Code Objective C, using my own API wrapper (focused on easy UI concurrency and state caching/update). Large chunks of it will be open sourced when I've had the chance to document it. I'm also writing a few blog posts that new API users might find useful.