<!-- version: 0.1.50 -->

## About
work in progress theme for StackExchange chats, also includes 'plugins' for additional features.

[![sample picture][1]][1]

Features include:   
1) Inline webm/gifv   
2) user colours   
3) code-mode ([see here](http://i.imgur.com/XdJD87b.gifv)) activated with ctrl + k   
4) Syntax Highlighting   
5) Other stuff I can't think of.   
### Download    

Install for chrome here: [link](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/so-dark-chat-%20/bbkjccfnenmgidehjhaabamobpbaaghh)

## Contact

I can be reached at `[email protected]`.

## Code


  [1]: https://i.sstatic.net/fpqnX.jpg