**Update:** StackApplet now supports **all** StackExchange sites. ---- ##Screenshot <img src="http://files.quickmediasolutions.com/so_app_ss.png"> ##About This handy little applet can be added to any panel on your Gnome desktop. It displays your current rep. on selected StackExchange sites and refreshes the number at a constant interval. All StackExchange sites are supported. StackApplet will even go as far as fetching the site icon and rescaling it. The application is written in Python. ###License [MIT License](http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php) ###Download If you are using Ubuntu, the easiest way to install StackApplet is to install from my PPA by adding the following line to `/etc/apt/sources.list`: <pre> deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/george-edison55/george-edison/ubuntu lucid main </pre> Then run `sudo apt-get update` and type `sudo apt-get install stackapplet`. However, packages are also available. For Debian-based distros: http://stackoverflow.quickmediasolutions.com/stackapplet/stackapplet_1.2.0_all.deb For Redhat-based distros: http://stackoverflow.quickmediasolutions.com/stackapplet/stackapplet-1.2.0-2.noarch.rpm Generic archive: http://stackoverflow.quickmediasolutions.com/stackapplet/stackapplet_1.2.0_all.tar.gz ###Platform Any linux PC running Gnome ##Contact I can be reached at [email protected] ##Source *Provided with download*