
> StackImage finally supports a 'global-flair' image. It contains **all** of your reputation on **all** of your StackExchange accounts - even Area51!
> ` `



##Screenshot / Code Snippet


*Samples of the standard flair:*

<img src="http://stackimage.quickmediasolutions.com/flair.php?id=18&site=stackapps">
<img src="http://stackimage.quickmediasolutions.com/flair.php?id=22656&site=stackoverflow&border=777777&background=000000&text=ffffff&title=ff8888&font1=sans&font2=sansbold">  
<img src="http://stackimage.quickmediasolutions.com/flair.php?id=7709&site=serverfault&border=ff9999&background=880000&text=ffffff&title=ff9999&font1=monobold&font2=mono">
<img src="http://stackimage.quickmediasolutions.com/flair.php?id=1288&site=meta&border=ffffff&background=5b79b8&text=ffffff&title=dddddd&font1=serif&font2=serifitalic">

The same samples only using the new mini version:

<img src="http://stackimage.quickmediasolutions.com/mini.php?id=18&site=stackapps">  
<img src="http://stackimage.quickmediasolutions.com/mini.php?id=22656&site=stackoverflow&border=777777&background=000000&text=ffffff&title=ff8888&font1=sans&font2=sansbold">  
<img src="http://stackimage.quickmediasolutions.com/mini.php?id=7709&site=serverfault&border=ff9999&background=880000&text=ffffff&title=ff9999&font1=monobold&font2=mono">  
<img src="http://stackimage.quickmediasolutions.com/mini.php?id=1288&site=meta&border=ffffff&background=5b79b8&text=ffffff&title=dddddd&font1=serif&font2=serifitalic">

Global flair:

<img src="http://stackimage.quickmediasolutions.com/global.php?guid=23b9cca9-2c63-4d3c-bd96-b1fa0977f2ee&area51=254">
<img src="http://stackimage.quickmediasolutions.com/global.php?guid=692968ec-2524-473d-a21a-053c4bf38d29&border=ffffff&background=5b79b8&text=ffffff&title=dddddd&font1=serif&font2=serifitalic">



StackImage is an image-generating service designed to create an image given a set of parameters. Currently, StackImage can generate an image that contains some of your profile information. The advantage over using the default [flair](http://stackapps.com/users/flair) is that StackImage can be embedded anywhere an image is allowed and there are lots of options for customizing the images. You can put them on blogs, forums, and bulletin boards. The images also stay up to date with your current reputation.

StackImage also supports 'Global Flair' which is an image that displays all of your reputation from all StackExchange sites - including Area51 reputation.


###The Easy Way:

The handy online tool:  


###The Technical Way:

You can create a flair image by creating a URL that contains:

  flair.php  - the default-size flair
  mini.php   - the new mini-flair
  global.php - the global flair


  <i>For the normal and mini flair:</i>
     id         - the desired user id
     site       - the desired SE site
  <i>For the global flair:</i>
     guid       - the association ID for your accounts

  * Note: for the global flair, you can also include a parameter <b>area51=</b>
          with your Area51 ID in the URL.

  background - the color of the background
  border     - the color of the border
  text       - the color of the text
  title      - the color of the user's name
  font1      - the font to be used for the badges *
  font2      - the font to be used for the display name and rep *

* can be one of [mono,  monobold,  monobolditalic,  monoitalic,
                 sans,  sansbold,  sansbolditalic,  sansitalic,
                 serif, serifbold, serifbolditalic, serifitalic]

For example, the URL for the large-sized Jon Skeet image pictured above *(line breaks inserted for clarity)*:


This URL can then be used anywhere an image URL is expected. The site caches the images for 24 hours so that the processing load on the server is lessened.

**Note: Your feedback is appreciated!** Eventually I'd like to make a similar thing for questions.



*Closed Source*




Any browser that supports JPEG images.


I can be reached at [email protected]


My [stack.PHP](http://stackapps.com/questions/826/stack-php-clean-easy-to-use-wrapper-for-php) wrapper was used for this service.