Okay, here's a script that adds a button to launch those Easter eggs: [![New easter egg button][2]][2] Once installed, merely select the desired Easter egg from the drop-down then press the *EEgg* button. <sup><sub>(Then weep for the poor puppy you could have petted/walked with that time.)</sub></sup> **To install**, click [here (*Chat, Wheel of Blame and other Easter eggs* install at GitHub)][3]. (Requires a userscript engine like Tampermonkey or Violentmonkey.) <br> **To preview the source**, click [here (*Chat, Wheel of Blame and other Easter eggs* preview at GitHub)][4]. ---------- Tested on/with Tampermonkey. Should work with other decent userscript engines... [2]: https://i.sstatic.net/kgN7P.png [3]: https://github.com/BrockA/SE-misc/raw/master/Stack%20Exchange%20Chat%2C%20Wheel%20of%20Blame%20and%20other%20Easter%20eggs.user.js [4]: https://github.com/BrockA/SE-misc/blob/master/Stack%20Exchange%20Chat%2C%20Wheel%20of%20Blame%20and%20other%20Easter%20eggs.user.js