This doesn't have anything to do with Stack Exchange pages, **it's a browser thing** and mostly a very good thing. You can see that the page isn't doing it by: 1. Disable all javascript on your browser. 2. (Re)load an appropriate Stack Exchange page (or any long page with a `<textarea>`). 3. Focus the textarea for keyboard input but use the mouse to scroll it out of view. 4. Start typing. 5. The *browser* will then scroll the textarea into view. (Not verified on IE.) 6. The page can't be doing it, since all javascript is shut off. ---------- **Possible workaround:** You can write a userscript or browser extension that applies `position: fixed;` to the WMD textarea and shrink it to a smaller fixed box on the screen. That way, when you type, it will not change the scroll-position of the rest of the page/screen. With a little extra work, the script could also check for inserted/changed "preview" elements, and attempt to keep them sensibly scrolled in view.