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PLACEHOLDER - Obsidian Digital Garden plus Eleventy Serverless OAuth demo

Screenshot / Code Snippet

Stack Overflow user infortion displayed on Obisidian Digital Garden plugin plus Eleventy Serverless generated webpage


This is a proof of concept / "minimal, complete, verifiable example" of adding the Eleventy Serverless plugin to an instance of Obisidian Digital Garden's (ODG) template repo for using a Stack Overflow account to log in.

ODG is a community plugin for Obisidian, a cross-platform note-taking app that uses markdown for note files.





Web Browsers: Chrome, Firefox, Safari. Other web browsers like Brave and Edge might work too.


I created this app using several tools.


  • GitHub
  • Netlify
  • Eleventy
  • Node.js
  • Nunjucks
  • JavaScript
  • HTML
  • SCSS
  • CSS


  1. Deploy a site using the Deploy to Netlify button from the Obsidian Digital Garden community plugin documentation. Grab the site URL.
  2. Register the app on Grab the client id, client secret and key.
  3. Add the above values as environment variables to the site settings on Netlify.
  4. Add serverless plugin to userSetup.js
  5. Add the serverless authentication files from the Eleventy Serverless OAuth demo (Netlify/functions/dynamic/index.js, Netlify/functions/Utils/*, Netlify/functions/auth-before.js and Netlify/functions/auth-callback.js)
  6. Add index.njk and secure.njk from the Eleventy Serverless OAuth demo to /src/site/.
  7. Edit files from the previous steps.
  8. [Workaround] Edit /src/site/_includes/components/pageheader.njk to add a condition to "favicons" run only on the build phase (not when generating pages by the Serverless functions).


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