You can use `/users/{ids}/associated` Try it for [your network account]( > Returns all of a user's associated accounts, given their account_ids in {ids}. >{ids} can contain up to 100 semicolon delimited ids, to find ids programatically look for account_id on user objects. >You can filter the network_users returned by this method with the types parameter. Specify, semicolon delimited, main_site or meta_site to filter by site. > This method returns a list of network_users. As we don't have StackSnippets enabled here I created a [jsFiddle]( to demonstrate the possible usage. For completeness this is the code: ###Html <!-- language: lang-html --> <div> <label for="networkid">Your SE network ID</label> <input id="networkid" type="text" value="4337810" /> <input id="load" type="button" value="Load" /> </div> <div id='r'> </div> ###CSS <!-- language: lang-css --> a { display: block; } ###JavaScript: <!-- language: lang-js --> function load(id) { var server = '', path = '/users/' + id + '/associated' , filter = 'filter=!*LCuYQnqAGqQ14Mr'; $.get(server + path + '?' + filter, function(data) { for(var i=0; i<data.items.length; i++) { var u=data.items[i]; $('#r').append( $('<a></a>') .text(u.site_name) .prop('href', u.site_url+'/users/'+ u.user_id )); } }); } $('#load').on('click', function(e) { load($('#networkid').val()); return false; });