##SOUpdater - UnRefresh! (1.2) <img src="http://www.edjai.com/ResearchTest/SOUpdaterLogo.png"> ###App (Chrome-Extension) ##About **SOUpdater** is a chrome extension that helps in plugging-in questions asked in stackoverflow in a sidebar and update it frequently without the user requiring to refresh the page. It also provides for unobtrusive notification, highlighted-interesting questions (tags favored by the user in his/her profile) and no.of questions to display in the sidebar. Being a lazy person I always wanted to avoid refreshing the page to get new questions. Wanted to avoid hitting f5 every so m seconds. So this add-on :). ##License (Not Sure what should I put here :P. Suggest me if there is any!) ##Download https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/gfckpgnpcdclpenmahicjocnjhloekel/publish-accepted?hl=en ##Platform Google Chrome. #Contact ajainarayanan- I am available at [email protected] ##Code Javascript,HTML5,Google-Chrome.