[tag:feature-request] [tag:status-completed]

The Stack Overflow election has just appeared, and they're missing an important badge.  Deputy, at 500 flag weight, might not be considered 'noteworthy' but it's actually *required* in this case:

> For the Stack Overflow election, an eligible candidate for the election must have all of the following badges (note, this is not mechanically enforced):

> - Civic Duty *[Present in Noteworthy list]*
> - Strunk & White *[Present in Noteworthy list]*
> - Deputy 
> - Convention *[Present in Noteworthy list]*

I propose that these be called out as 'required' badges for the SO election, and that 'Deputy' be added to the 'Noteworthy' list for other elections.  This was also [requested by DMA](http://stackapps.com/questions/2049/stack-exchange-elections-statistics-page/2542#2542).