##About [rubyoverflow][1] is an ruby wrapper for the Stack Exchange API. ##Status Middle of being rewritten. Handles /users/{id}/* routes along with /sites and /users. Documentation forthcoming ###Known Issues Not completed ###Documentation Coming soon ###License Released under the [MIT Open Source License][2]. ###Download gem install rubyoverflow or [GitHub][1] ###Platform Ruby 1.8.7, 1.9.2, 1.9.3 ##Contact rubyoverflow contains contributions from Dan Seaver. Leave feedback and bug reports on my GitHub [project page][1]. ##Code Complete source can be downloaded from [GitHub][1]. ##Notes Documentation of how API methods map to rubyoverflow coming shortly ##Release Notes ###0.5 Begins Rewrite [1]: http://github.com/danseaver/rubyoverflow [2]: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php