<!-- thumbnail: http://files.quickmediasolutions.com/stackapps_icons/sopp.png --> <!-- version: 0.1 --> <!-- tag: c++ --> [![][1]][1] <sub>(source: [quickmediasolutions.com](http://stackoverflow.quickmediasolutions.com/sopp.png))</sub> ##Code Snippet #include <sopp/sopp.h> ... sopp::SetKey("..."); sopp::SetSite(SITE_STACKOVERFLOW); ... sopp::soUser user(1); cout << user.GetDisplayName(); ... std::vector<sopp::soQuestion> questions; user.GetQuestions(questions); cout << questions[0].GetTitle(); // display title of first question ... ##About so++ is an object-oriented wrapper for the StackOverflow API. It currently uses libcurl and jsoncpp. The .zip file includes examples, though they need the API key replaced. <br> ###License so++ is released under the MIT license. <br> ###Download You can download so++ at http://stackoverflow.quickmediasolutions.com/ **Update:** the code is now in my PPA, so you can get it there if you're using Ubuntu: > sudo add-apt-repository ppa:george-edison55/george-edison <br> ###Platform so++ is available for any platform with libcurl and the STL. <br> ##Contact I am the developer and can be reached at [email protected] <br> ##Code The code can now be found on LaunchPad: http://launchpad.net/sopp [1]: https://i.sstatic.net/69rrN.png