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What's the meaning about " is_answered" field of question object?

I saw the question object has a is_answered field. I mentioned that there're the following cases: The is_answered field is true, and the question has an accepted answer. The is_answered field is ...
Bite's user avatar
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Paging issue: is /users/{ids}/associated API route returning incomplete information?

When querying to find associated accounts for a list of account ids, some ids in the results appear to be missing many of the associated sites. I have only observed this in multi-page responses. For ...
foobarbecue's user avatar
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Do my users need to be logged in, for quota?

I am building an application and want to showcase relevant Stack Overflow questions. I have made the request and getting a response, but its responding with a quota value: "quota_max": 300, "...
Nil's user avatar
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oauth 2.0 based on stackexchange api and fetch user details

I am new to oauth 2.0. What i am trying to achieve is following I have a google api based oauth authentication in place On top I fetch the gmail email address and verify if this address is present in ...
Arka Mallick's user avatar
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Stack API doesn't return json with encoding of UTF-8

Here is the query RESULT { "items": [ { "badge_counts": { "bronze": 2, "silver": 1, "gold": 0 }, ...
Nerzid's user avatar
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access_token not present in /oauth/access_token response

When using the explicit OAuth authentication for apps, I have problems receiving the access_token. A user goes to /approve and is then forwarded to approve the app. When redirected back to my site I ...
ajthinking's user avatar
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Is it okay to just send the API key (without implementing oauth-2 login)?

I'm writing a small Android app that issues customizable queries and displays the results in a read-only format. I might implement oauth-2 in a future version, but want to leave it out of version 1.0 (...
Rapunzel Van Winkle's user avatar
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How to sort /questions/featured by bounty_closes_date

The API documentation describes tthe usage of /questions/featured. Unfortunately there does not seem to be a way to sort the result by bounty_closes_date, which is IMO the sort option making most ...
kriegaex's user avatar
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Blur the topbar’s background

This stylesheet will make the background of the topbar show a blurred version of the contents below it. Note that I was unable to make the search box transparent (the icon was invisible), and I couldn’...
J F's user avatar
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Absence of `order` and `sort` in rest calls?

Will absence of order and sort give the same result as order=desc and sort=activity always in every call (it is default in every call)?
amit jha's user avatar
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Unable to decode HTML entities in the API response?

I am trying to decode HTML entities from the JSON data returned by the Stack Exchange API but it's not working. I have used both html_entity_decode and htmlspecialchars_decode but it doesn't effect ...
Skyyy's user avatar
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I want a python program example for more requests a day

How can I make about 10k requests on using python program in a day. Where J is variable ...
Manish Bhanu's user avatar
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The API /tag stats are notably different from the site totals

Why this discrepancy? --Sep 10 2015 11:26:09 GMT+0530 (IST)-- At that time, the API shows 42010 tags. But the same thing computed on the Stack Overflow tags page is 44496. Is it because of caching?
deostroll's user avatar
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Stack Exchange API for getting list of users from iOS 8

I am trying to call the Stack Exchange API to get a list of users. This is from my iOS app: NSString *str=[NSString stringWithFormat:@"
jayprakash's user avatar
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How do I get the body of an answer, as well as the author? [duplicate]

I am using this call to get the body of an answer : But this only gives the author of ...
Shivam Bhalla's user avatar
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400 (Bad Request) error in time of creating question using StackExchange API

I am trying to create a question in StackOverFlow using write-access API( I have provided the parameters as required but a "400(Bad Request)" error is ...
Jayajit Das's user avatar
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How do I update redirect_uri param for a StackExchange App [duplicate]

I've created a StackExchange app but now I cannot find the edit page so I can update the app settings, like: redirect_uri - which is an OAuth param
ApiFox's user avatar
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I could POST a question but it does not have a `question_id` and it does not show up in my account

I could successfully create a question for my StackApp and I got this response (NSDictionary output): { "has_more" = 0; items = ( { "creation_date" = ...
Besi's user avatar
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Load answers to a question with review-like wrapper HTML

I'm trying to implement this feature request in SOUP, but I'm having trouble figuring out a good way to actually load the answers. I can just load the full question page (like this one, for example) ...
Ilmari Karonen's user avatar
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How to increase the allowed number of API calls?

Stack Exchange provides the possibility to do a limited number of API calls per day from the same IP (10,000 if the customer registers the app). Is it possible to get that number increased?
Anton's user avatar
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Does anyone have a script that lets you log in to chat server side?

There doesn't seem to be any sort of API for chat. I'm working on creating one, however I'm stuck at the login bit. How can I get Python (or some other server side language) to log in to chat? The ...
Manishearth's user avatar
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How to get the question title for reputation history entries?

I'm trying to implement a simple rep list, much like as seen on Stack Exchange sites. What I would like is to get three things: the rep change amount, type of change, and question title. However, ...
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Most of the url are missing the protocol

Maybe you were trying to fix the other "bug" I've pointed out, but now most of the url for the icons are missing the protocol! { "site_type": "main_site", "name": "Stack Overflow", "...
Enrichman's user avatar
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CDN redirect for the API's JavaScript SDK is incorrect

The API's JavaScript SDK is listed as However, GET request produces the following response: Status Code: 301 Moved Permanently Location: https://api-...
Andrey Shchekin's user avatar
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How can I use the Stack Exchange API to get the total score on answers to questions with a specific tag?

I want to use the API to get the sum of all scores of my answers to questions having a specific tag. I started using top-user-answers-in-tags method, but it only returns the top 30, whereas I want ...
RobSiklos's user avatar
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Get all sites of type "main_site"

Is there a way to get all sites of type main_site from the /site method? If not, what's the best way to get that list? Should I get all sites with a huge pagesize and then filter it in my App?
estebane97's user avatar
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Inbox and Notifications aren't being filtered by site

I'm using the API get inbox messages and notifications for various sites on the StackExchange network, but it doesn't seem to matter what site parameter I pass in the query string. I always get my ...
Spencerooni's user avatar
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Off-by-one error in fromdate processing

When running a query with a given fromdate value, values which match fromdate - 1 are returned. An example: When using fromdate=1367715851 results will be returned which have a creation_date of ...
Michael Hampton's user avatar
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How do I find a user by their `display_name`?

I am using Serel (the Ruby wrapper) and would like to be able to find a user by their display_name. As it stands right now, I can only find them via an ID - like Serel::User.find(1,2,3). I tried ...
marcamillion's user avatar
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Getting questions that have a specific tag or tags?

In the current API (2.1 and 2.2), how do you get questions that have a specific tag or tags? EG: All Stack Overflow questions asked in the past 2 months tagged 'ruby'? All Stack Overflow questions ...
Bob Walsh's user avatar
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What sizes are the images available through the /sites endpoint?

I see logo_url, icon_url, favicon_url, high_resolution_icon_url... But I wasn't able to find any information about any of those images in the documentation. Are any of them fixed size? And/or is ...
Mark Rushakoff's user avatar
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Questions returned by /questions/{ids}/related do not contain link properties

The API docs claim that /questions/{ids}/related return question objects, but I can't find a link property on the returned questions at all. Is there some sort of workaround to find the link for a ...
Asad Saeeduddin's user avatar
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stack overflow data dump utility error - mysql

I have the SODDI v.11 utility (although the screen says v.10) I also have the SODD from 092011. When I try to import the SF/MSF data, I get: Table 'SF.VoteTypes' doesn't exist. It creates the SF ...
2112.snowdog's user avatar
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How can I get beta sites to show on StackApplet (v1.5.1)

I installed StackApplet v1.5.1 and it works fine, although the refresh time of 5 mins minimum is a bit slow. However, I have an account in Robotics which is in beta state. How can I get notifications ...
VedVals's user avatar
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Link field on notification type

There is no link field on notification. Is this by design or a bug? If it's by design can it be changes so it's included, I can't see how to build the URL with only a post id, and not know what type ...
Jonathan.'s user avatar
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Question count missing from network_user

Docs state that you get an int question_count from a network_user object but I'm not getting these fields back anymore - even when testing from ...
petenelson's user avatar
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Is there an app that will let me see aggregate stats on questions associated with a tag?

In particular, I'd like to see/graph views for all questions tagged 'foo'. Seems like something someone must already have done, but search didn't help me find it easily.
Eric Bloch's user avatar
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/me API endpoint returning 500 error

I'm making an authenticated call to /me:[redacted]&site=stackoverflow&key=[redacted] But it's returning: {"error_id":500,"error_name":"...
Michael Waterfall's user avatar
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Typo in throttle violation error message

I was just playing around with the API locally and got throttled for the questions and answers methods (the only two I was using). Anyway, I noticed there’s a small typo in the error message that’s ...
Mathias Bynens's user avatar
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Does the API allow us to pull down a user's subscriptions?

When I joined the site, I found that I could subscribe to hear about new posts within my favorite tag/filter. I started receiving daily emails with the latest posts in those categories. I can't find ...
arieljake's user avatar
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Running queries from the Documentation pages hangs browser for minutes at a time

I've been playing with some queries on the documentation page, and I've noticed that it's taking an abnormally long time to load even reasonably sized API call results:
agent86's user avatar
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Implicit OAuth flow is not working when the user is not logged in.

Here is the URL I am trying to use:,no_expiry&redirect_uri= This works ...
Nathan Osman's user avatar
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Minor typo in /tags/{tag}/top-askers/{period}

The discussion for the above method says "Returns the top 30 answerers active in a single tag, of either all-time or the last 30 days." It should be corrected as askers.
laktek's user avatar
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Documentation of /users/{id}/top-answer-tags conflicts with implementation.

According to the documentation: /users/{id}/top-answer-tags or /me/top-answer-tags – Get the top 30 tags (by score) a single user has posted answers in. However in practice, when retrieving data ...
Nathan Osman's user avatar
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Why aren't my application icons being used in the "Top Apps" list?

I've got application icons listed for each of my apps, but the "Top Apps" list shows the default "pages with gears" icon instead. Each time I've registered the application before posting a question ...
agent86's user avatar
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read item in unread inbox method again

I'm getting a read item in the inbox/unread method, again. This happened before, but I can't find the post about it (I'm pretty sure you fixed/explained it). But the item is very old, not a cache ...
Jonathan.'s user avatar
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No award_count field on any badges

The docs say the default filter includes award_count, and I've made a filter with it in. But no award_count is returned on any badge route. The exception being when a badge item is returned in ...
Jonathan.'s user avatar
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Authentication Statistics are the same for all apps

I know the stats are new, I'm not sure if they are still in development. But they are identical for the 3 apps I have registered, given that the app's id is in the URL of the stats page, I guess the ...
Jonathan.'s user avatar
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Quota remaining is negative

I think I must be doing something very stupid, that I just can't see I just registered an app, in the last ~10 minutes. I have just been going to the /info route, no authentication or anything else. ...
Jonathan.'s user avatar
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How many simultaneous queries may I make of the same Stack Exchange API?

I've been playing with some of the APIs that have paged results. I've been doing a first call with pagesize=0 to determine how many pages there are then running a loop querying each page. In my case ...
hippietrail's user avatar

15 30 50 per page
48 49
51 52