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Is the way to search answers by who I voted for? [duplicate]

I found few similar questions: first, second. But answers is too old (2014 year). It's actual now — no way to get this info by using API?
rndev's user avatar
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After which time span can my vote no longer change?

I came across a toast that appears when I try to change my vote that I made a few days ago. Is it documented somewhere after which time span you can no longer change your vote? Or does the API ...
Norbert Bartko's user avatar
3 votes
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Can I have a separate account just for testing my Stack App?

I want to test my Stack App to make sure it works properly without and problems. Is it allowed if I use a separate account just for this purpose?
clickbait's user avatar
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How to get all posts that a user voted on? [duplicate]

I know how to get all questions that I favorited using /docs/me-favorites. But, how can I get all answers (or questions) that I voted on? Like those in the upvote history.
qqibrow's user avatar
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Question up-voting is not working from my code?

I am trying to upvote a question using the Stack Exchange API in android, via the /2.2/questions/{questionID}/upvote route. But in the log, it's just showing something like: org.apache.http....
Sudheer's user avatar
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How to get up_vote_count and down_vote_count for a user?

I'm testing the following command: $ curl -s "" | gunzip -d | python -m json.tool However it doesn't return up_vote_count and ...
kenorb's user avatar
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"error_id":500,"error_message":"this error has been logged","error_name":"internal_error"

I developed an application, user can give vote down or up to question or comments but when I send the request to the API of the stackexchenge the response it is not true and this back to me error ...
hesam's user avatar
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17 votes
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List of Votes by Authenticated users

In the API documentation for the question type, it says that you can access, for a specific question, whether or not the authenticated user (in the private_info scope) upvoted/downvoted the question. ...
Nick Peterson's user avatar
12 votes
1 answer

Add close-vote information to the questions object

Would it be possible to add close/reopen vote information to the questions object? For example, you usually see something along the lines of: close (3) when a question has three (current) close-...
Marvin Pinto's user avatar