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How to determine if a question is hot?

I know that I can get all hot question by sorting it like this: /2.2/questions?order=desc&sort=hot&site=stackoverflow Likewise, I'm not quite sure if other sortings like activity also ...
Norbert Bartko's user avatar
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How do I find all questions/answers per a tag using .Net?

I want to get the list of questions based on tag name using .Net. can any one please let me know how to achieve this using .Net with API Version 2.2?
Melody's user avatar
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Why API Version 2.2 returns null always while getting questions list?

The below 2 codes returns null always. How to get the list of questions using API Version 2.2? Question thisPost = context.Official .StackApps .Questions.ById(1) .WithComments(true) .First(); var ...
Melody's user avatar
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The /tags query is not giving me the correct results between two dates?

I'm trying to get the yearly total number of questions that have the tag browserify. I can see that there are questions tagged from this year like this one and that one. The site reports that there ...
Jeremy Larter's user avatar
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How to find questions that were posted or edited recently?

The api function documented at lets me list questions on a site. How do I sort this so that I see questions that are recently posted, edited, including ...
b_jonas's user avatar
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What's the proper way to fetch the score of all answers of SO?

I wrote a small program querying the SE API to grab the public scoring data of all SO answers (excluding the last 3 days). Basically the request I do gets me this: Questions[]: Id Title ...
Denys Séguret's user avatar
2 votes
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Obtain JSON equivalent of a full Q&A HTML page?

I want to write an application for which, after some logic to select a set of questions, it would be most convenient to get the whole set of stuff at once that is normally shown on a Stack Exchange Q&...
Lutz Prechelt's user avatar
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Procedure for posting questions using the API, v2.2?

I want use one of the Stack Exchange V2.2 API (e.g. /questions/add) to post Stack Overflow questions from my website. I didn't find any app which is currently using the API for posting questions. As ...
user2621858's user avatar
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How do I access the greatest hits (questions) via API v2.2.?

The greatest hits (questions) of any stack exchange site (say stack overflow) can be found by visiting the below URL: I would want to access these ...
defau1t's user avatar
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I could POST a question but it does not have a `question_id` and it does not show up in my account

I could successfully create a question for my StackApp and I got this response (NSDictionary output): { "has_more" = 0; items = ( { "creation_date" = ...
Besi's user avatar
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Getting questions that have a specific tag or tags?

In the current API (2.1 and 2.2), how do you get questions that have a specific tag or tags? EG: All Stack Overflow questions asked in the past 2 months tagged 'ruby'? All Stack Overflow questions ...
Bob Walsh's user avatar
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