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Is it okay to just send the API key (without implementing oauth-2 login)?

I'm writing a small Android app that issues customizable queries and displays the results in a read-only format. I might implement oauth-2 in a future version, but want to leave it out of version 1.0 (...
Rapunzel Van Winkle's user avatar
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Implicit OAuth flow is not working when the user is not logged in.

Here is the URL I am trying to use:,no_expiry&redirect_uri= This works ...
Nathan Osman's user avatar
  • 23.3k
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Use Stack Overflow's authentication API in a browser extension

I want to create a browser extension that reproduce the Stack Overflow navbar (inbox and achievements): I need for that to authenticate the current user using the authentication API. For this step, I ...
johannchopin's user avatar
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Having Trouble Setting Up OAuth for App

I am trying to build an app but I can't get the authentication right. I have been following the steps here: I keep getting the below error no matter ...
sjago's user avatar
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Implicit OAuth authentication is not redirecting

I'm trying to build a simple iOS application , with login feature to stack overflow network. I've read the documentation and choose to use Implicit OAuth2.0. I've already registered an StackApps, so ...
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OAuth login fails for Stack Exchange and Facebook, but not Google

I'm integrating with Stack Exchange API on iOS 6 & 7. To authenticate, I load up a UIWebView with the OAuth page. Google login works well, but Stack Exchange and Facebook do not. Are these ...
Pwner's user avatar
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StackX app - problem signing in with Google ID

I have a problem with StackX app on my Samsung Galaxy 4 phone (Android 4.3). I'm logging to StackExchange in general, and StackOferflow in particular, using my Google ID. The app does not recognize ...
PM 77-1's user avatar
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How to login programmatically

I'm building an app for personal use. The app simply screen-scrapes the StackExchange homepage and checks whether I am currently logged in to StackExchange. This works fine. However, if the app ...
barry's user avatar
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How can my app authenticate users with only a Stack Overflow account, using the Stack Exchange OAuth API 2.1?

Recently I registered an app in to provide a way to authenticate users with their Stack Overflow account. Then I noticed that Stack Exchange OAuth only works for users with a Stack ...
agares's user avatar
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If a client authenticates, will API requests be counted on their profile?

For example, let's say client X signs into an app that I made. My servers get an access_token which I can then use to send requests on their behalf, for example reading their reputation history. By ...
Lakshya Raj's user avatar
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What token parameters to use for OAuth2 Authorizaton?

I'm trying to connect a piece of desktop software to the Stack Exchange web service through OAuth2. I've read the docs but the problem is that what it talks about is subtly different to what ...
Mark Ireland's user avatar
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Same redirect URL for Approve and Reject

Why, when I'm requesting /oauth/dialog and selecting either of the options I get redirected to the same URL with different hash values? It's not a bug per-se, just an observation I made while ...
Eimantas's user avatar
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how can i take write acces on stack overflow [duplicate]

const express = require("express"); const router = express.Router(); const axios = require("axios"); const querystring = require("querystring"); const dotenv = require(&...
Akash Gupta's user avatar
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Security certificate error when logging in with myOpenID

I have written an application that embeds the WebKit rendering engine (the same rendering engine used in Safari and Chrome). This application makes use of the /inbox route and therefore requires the ...
Nathan Osman's user avatar
  • 23.3k
-1 votes
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Why and how to make use of API key and credentials Stack Overflow API? [duplicate]

I am in need of using the Stack Overflow API for my website. I've gone through the documentation and I got the API key and client credentials. But my question is, I am able to send my question through ...
Deepak's user avatar
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-4 votes
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I Cannot Perform Oauth [closed]

My Clientn id = 4784 and Key = cB0l6XiaOW5l5vsBnBeIUg((. What do I do for Oauth and to get an access token?
SOURABH DOLIYA's user avatar
-4 votes
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Problem Implementing Socialite Stack exchange

I get code and access token but I cannot call API function My url being generated {...
Numan Hassan's user avatar
-4 votes
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How to pass the api client credentials for stackexchange api in python [duplicate]

I am trying to make a console based client, that consumes the stackexchange api. I have done the registration of my app, in order to enjoy higher quotas and received the necessary keys. My problem is,...
py_script's user avatar