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How do I add a comment to a post through the Stack Exchange API?

I want to add an comment to a specific post so, how do I get its ID and how do I authorize it. I want it to done through the Stack Exchange API interface.
Mohammed Noman Razvi's user avatar
2 votes
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Can I get the question id in the inbox route?

My intended behavior of my app is to navigate the user the the question page when an inbox item gets clicked. For example, when the API return a link like this
Norbert Bartko's user avatar
2 votes
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Exclude records where field is present (ie., return only open questions)

How do I exclude records based on the presence of a certain field (like the equivalent of SQL's [fieldname] Is Null)? Example: Results for Closed questions include field closed_date=1234567890. ...
ashleedawg's user avatar
2 votes
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Keep getting 500 "Internal error" in requests with an access token

I'm trying to fetch some data from the Stack Exchange API I have a valid access_token and registered key but I keep getting internal error as a result. Here is the request URL: https://api....
Marco Pierucci's user avatar
2 votes
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Obtain JSON equivalent of a full Q&A HTML page?

I want to write an application for which, after some logic to select a set of questions, it would be most convenient to get the whole set of stuff at once that is normally shown on a Stack Exchange Q&...
Lutz Prechelt's user avatar
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Uncaught channelUrl must be under the current domain

I'm developing a Stack Chrome extension that will make use of the API. I'm following the instructions on the API docs here. My OAuth and host websites are set to in my Stack Apps ...
Joe Moore's user avatar
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Is the way to search answers by who I voted for? [duplicate]

I found few similar questions: first, second. But answers is too old (2014 year). It's actual now — no way to get this info by using API?
rndev's user avatar
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JavaScript API Library for StackExchange API?

I'm developing an application that integrates with the Stack Exchange Network for posting questions and importing whole discussions. Therefore I'm looking for a JavaScript library for the Stack ...
RAGE Developer's user avatar
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Stackoverflow Javascript Authentication error

Using the Stack Overflow javascript authentication API, I get this error: Application Login Failure An error occurred while login into an application. Error Details error description: ...
Mahahari's user avatar
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How do I sort the /2.2/notifications endpoint?

I do not find information on the notifications api page. I am looking at this: I would like to be able to sort by creations date and other fields. is ...
Angel S. Moreno's user avatar
2 votes
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Is there an API for adding a user to a site?

With 2.2, I've begun implementing some write features in my app. I've started with voting. When you vote on a question on a site that isn't in a users associated accounts, you get the error "The ...
andrewsomething's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How do I find all questions/answers per a tag using .Net?

I want to get the list of questions based on tag name using .Net. can any one please let me know how to achieve this using .Net with API Version 2.2?
Melody's user avatar
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`key` is not valid for passed `access_token`, token not found (although seemingly valid authentication)

I've made an authentication flow for my app (which wants to read your inbox and sent notifications on your desktop). Which can be found here For this, I have created a stack app on this site. With the ...
Chiel's user avatar
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1 vote
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OAuth redirect_uri to strips part of the query string

I have a browser extension that uses OAuth2 to retrieve an access token. As recommended by, I use as the ...
Rob W's user avatar
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No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' for oauth/access_token

Following the Stack Apps documentation Authentication (explicit) section I crafted this AJAX call $.ajax({ url:"", type:"...
ajthinking's user avatar
1 vote
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Is my script's API usage okay?

I've written a short Python script to help people review C and C++ questions on Code Review. It uses the API version 2.2. I've already asked there for a review of that Python code, but I would ...
Edward's user avatar
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1 answer

Why is the `site` parameter required in `/me` call?

I want to query information about the logged-in user using me, and this site parameter is creating some small problems. I am developing a visual studio extension where upon logging in a user will get ...
amit jha's user avatar
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1 answer

`types=main_site` in `/me/associated` gives `meta_site` accounts also

When I run /me/associated with main_site as a parameter in types, its gives meta_site accounts also (Meta Stack Exchange profile).
amit jha's user avatar
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1 answer

StackExchange API's request data is blank in Drupal 7

I'm trying to implement this simple request in Drupal 7 on my local machine: $request = drupal_http_request('
Djouuuuh's user avatar
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Why am I getting a 400 Bad Request error with this code?

I'm using this code (in an async function): let about = await fetch(""+token+"&sort=reputation&site=gaming&...
Penguin's user avatar
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App post got deleted

I'm currently writing an app using the Stack Exchange API. Today I wanted to rework the login component, but after signing in I get the following message: Application must have a registered Stack ...
Norbert Bartko's user avatar
1 vote
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How can I use an iOS custom URL scheme as redirect_uri?

I am trying to implement OAuth using iOS URL schemes. For example if I provide myapp:// as redirect_uri the app should launch. However, I cannot add it as OAuth domain in the Stack Apps settings, as ...
Toma's user avatar
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Absence of `order` and `sort` in rest calls?

Will absence of order and sort give the same result as order=desc and sort=activity always in every call (it is default in every call)?
amit jha's user avatar
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The API /tag stats are notably different from the site totals

Why this discrepancy? --Sep 10 2015 11:26:09 GMT+0530 (IST)-- At that time, the API shows 42010 tags. But the same thing computed on the Stack Overflow tags page is 44496. Is it because of caching?
deostroll's user avatar
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I could POST a question but it does not have a `question_id` and it does not show up in my account

I could successfully create a question for my StackApp and I got this response (NSDictionary output): { "has_more" = 0; items = ( { "creation_date" = ...
Besi's user avatar
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Getting questions that have a specific tag or tags?

In the current API (2.1 and 2.2), how do you get questions that have a specific tag or tags? EG: All Stack Overflow questions asked in the past 2 months tagged 'ruby'? All Stack Overflow questions ...
Bob Walsh's user avatar
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How to automate StackApp user approve and user login with stack Exchange explicit oAuth2.0

We are developing an stack App and integrating the app in our application. However we have successfully done a POC over POSTMAN and fiddler for explicit oAuth2.0. Now when we are integrating the same ...
msftsofbot's user avatar
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How to determine if a question is hot?

I know that I can get all hot question by sorting it like this: /2.2/questions?order=desc&sort=hot&site=stackoverflow Likewise, I'm not quite sure if other sortings like activity also ...
Norbert Bartko's user avatar
1 vote
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Procedure for posting questions using the API, v2.2?

I want use one of the Stack Exchange V2.2 API (e.g. /questions/add) to post Stack Overflow questions from my website. I didn't find any app which is currently using the API for posting questions. As ...
user2621858's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

How to get the "People reached" stat of a user, using the API? [duplicate]

I checked the user ids and advanced search API docs, but I could not get this stat. Does Stack Exchange provide this info in the API? /2.2/users/{ID}?order=desc&sort=reputation&site=...
Mohan Krishna's user avatar
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How to search ALL sites with the advanced API?

I can make a request to Stack Overflow as follows, which searches with keywords in titles:     /2.2/search/advanced?title=vlookup%20index%20match&site=stackoverflow My question is ...
SoftTimur's user avatar
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What token parameters to use for OAuth2 Authorizaton?

I'm trying to connect a piece of desktop software to the Stack Exchange web service through OAuth2. I've read the docs but the problem is that what it talks about is subtly different to what ...
Mark Ireland's user avatar
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OAuth domain with a custom port in a dev environment? [duplicate]

I have an app for which the OAuth domain is However, the domain for dev environment is When trying to authorize the website, Stack Exchange replies with an error ...
Jivan's user avatar
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`/me/associated` gives ambiguous/wrong response [duplicate]

This is my associated accounts page. No where I can see Meta Stack Overflow profile. But when I run /me/associated with meta_site as parameter to types, I get a response that tells me that I have a ...
amit jha's user avatar
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-1 votes
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Why and how to make use of API key and credentials Stack Overflow API? [duplicate]

I am in need of using the Stack Overflow API for my website. I've gone through the documentation and I got the API key and client credentials. But my question is, I am able to send my question through ...
Deepak's user avatar
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-2 votes
1 answer

Are the inbox routes (`inbox_item`) missing some item types?

Should there be more options for item_type in the "inbox" routes (they return inbox_item)? Shouldn't they return answer and edit suggested like the site's global inbox does? As shown in this ...
amit jha's user avatar
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-3 votes
1 answer

Why API Version 2.2 returns null always while getting questions list?

The below 2 codes returns null always. How to get the list of questions using API Version 2.2? Question thisPost = context.Official .StackApps .Questions.ById(1) .WithComments(true) .First(); var ...
Melody's user avatar
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-5 votes
1 answer

What is the root cause for too many request issue?

I am getting the following error when importing questions under a particular tag name: {"error_id":502,"error_message":"too many requests from this IP, more requests available in 56100 seconds"...
Melody's user avatar
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