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Is there a way to upload an image to using Python?

I am developing an image generation bot for chat (for example, I can generate the image correctly, but when it comes to posting the image, I have no idea how to upload the ...
Petəíŕd the Wizard's user avatar
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Main Stack Exchange network site API

The original Stack Exchange app has this cool feature where you can browse hot question from the entire network. But at the current state I am not able to see a “Stack Exchange” site listed in the ...
Daniel James Tronca's user avatar
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"is_edited": false or "is_edited": true as an option in the API response

When working with the Stack Exchange API I noticed that there is important data (at least for what I thought to do) not available, whether the question, answer or comment was edited or not: { "...
Digital Farmer's user avatar
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Why does the 'Apps' tab show hot questions and the 'Scripts' tab high scoring questions?

The Stack Apps homepage has two unique tabs which are not present on other sites: Apps and Scripts. There is a slight difference between the two, which is visible upon hovering: That's right, the '...
Glorfindel's user avatar
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API to submit a Suggested Edit

Is there a way of using the API to submit a suggested edit? This would allow users without the edit privilege to at least submit their suggestion. There is no create/add endpoint listed in the docs ...
Gustavo's user avatar
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Is the way to search answers by who I voted for? [duplicate]

I found few similar questions: first, second. But answers is too old (2014 year). It's actual now — no way to get this info by using API?
rndev's user avatar
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Find out whether a user has association bonus

I searched for this in the api docs and on this page but couldn't find any information: I have an api token of a given user. Is there a way to find out whether this user has association bonus rights? ...
User that hates AI's user avatar
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How to get a list of all StackExchange employees?

For a particular userscript feature, I need to get a list of all Stack Exchange employees. The list would be updated every day (per SE website). What is the most efficient way to do so? I looked at ...
Gaurang Tandon's user avatar
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Please add gallery thumbnails to this site's search results

I would like to link to a list of all my stuff, but I'd like it to display with thumbnails and excerpts (like it does on tag searches). Is this possible? It seems like a reasonable use case, but for ...
Jason C's user avatar
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How to get total visited days and consecutives of an user?

I checked docs , there are no endpoints to get total visited days and consecutive days. Is there any way to get them?
Thamaraiselvam's user avatar
5 votes
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Is it possible to have no sorting - to just show results in order of inputted IDs?

I'm trying to send multiple IDs at once (up to a max of 100), but need to use the data in the same order I send the request with. So, if I send IDs in an arbitary order like 4;1;3;2, I would like to ...
ᔕᖺᘎᕊ's user avatar
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Ability to support json type for post request

Right now we it uses url encode to post authenticated request. Maybe an option for application json?
Em as's user avatar
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Official support for SE apps

Is SE a company, or to put it another way, is it possible to develop apps for SE itself, rather than as a 3rd party? I find it frustrating to get to a complete list of my sites, you have to go to ...
JMP's user avatar
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Can I ask the API to tell me to back off? [duplicate]

I'm creating a bot that collects all tags from a given site (and over all sites in the network). I would obviously like to run this bot in as little time as possible, but I also do not want to overly ...
Sean Allred's user avatar
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Can I see my past upvoted questions in handset APP?

It's not hard to dig out questions upvoted by myself through the PC website. But I cannot find any access to them in the ios app. I guess neither does android app. Did I miss something or is it a ...
xiaohuamao's user avatar
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Get reputation changes across all sites without querying each one individually

I'm looking to make an app that shows your reputation changes throughout the network. /me/reputation-history/full almost accomplishes this, but it's on a per-site basis. I only want one query to get ...
user avatar
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Unhelpful error message when attempting to authenticate [duplicate]

I moved my app to a different server as part of a rewrite, and forgot to update the URL of the app on Stack Apps. When I tried to send a query to and pass my (old, ...
Zev Eisenberg's user avatar
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How to get a list of sites that a user is a member of?

After spending many hours trying to post a question using /questions/add and repeatedly getting the error message "The account associated with the access_token does not have a user on the site", I ...
Pwner's user avatar
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API response doesn't indicate the nature of a rejected question POST

I have a question, which I post to Stack Overflow. The addition of the answer gets rejected and I know that it is due to the fact that I used the tag coredata rather than core-data. When I do this on ...
Besi's user avatar
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Using OR with featured questions

My question is similar to: Getting questions that have a specific tag or tags? What I am trying to do is get a list of Featured questions within a list of tags. I have tried using the following: ...
DaImTo's user avatar
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Is there an API for adding a user to a site?

With 2.2, I've begun implementing some write features in my app. I've started with voting. When you vote on a question on a site that isn't in a users associated accounts, you get the error "The ...
andrewsomething's user avatar
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How to search answers like is:answer

How can I use the API to search for answers containing particular text or with particular properties? For example, this link allows me to search for is:answer foo, that is, answers containing foo. Can ...
elixenide's user avatar
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Getting global information (Stack Exchange) about a list of users

I'm working with the API for several weeks (see my app here) and I'm trying to get the username of a particular user from its Stack Exchange ID. It's possible by querying /users/{ids} but it returns ...
A.L's user avatar
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How do I get the no. of upvotes a person has received for a particular tag?

I need the list of users who have more than 10K reputation and then among those users I need to see which user has how many up-votes for each tag. I don't think there is a direct query that will give ...
Mike's user avatar
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Is it OK to have a test account for a developing client?

I'm currently trying to implement an agorava component for Stackoverflow, and for testing purpose, i would like to create a test account, which would have one question asked, and would maybe send ...
Riduidel's user avatar
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Can we have the display_name field in the /me/associated route?

I'm reading the Authentication documentation and I've noticed that the /me/associated route returns fields like user_id, badges, reputation but not the display_name, even specifying a custom Filter. ...
systempuntoout's user avatar
12 votes
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Add close-vote information to the questions object

Would it be possible to add close/reopen vote information to the questions object? For example, you usually see something along the lines of: close (3) when a question has three (current) close-...
Marvin Pinto's user avatar
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Is there a way to get the edit URL for a tag wiki from the API?

I've been playing with a little webapp for tags of a certain kind for travel.SE (current pre-alpha version gist on github). One thing I would like to do is add links for the various tag-related ...
hippietrail's user avatar
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Is it possible to get daily reputation change for a user via the API?

I'm trying to fetch a user's daily reputation change history for a project that's still early in the planning stages. I've been trying to use the "reputation" endpoint, but it seems like I can query ...
agent86's user avatar
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How can I get the "follower" count for a given tag on a site?

One of the metrics (albeit a somewhat weak one) of a given tag's "health" is how many followers it has. I believe this is the count of how many users have the tag on their "Favorite Tags" list. You ...
agent86's user avatar
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2.0 API get votes

I've been searching the 2.0 API for a list of my own (up and down) votes. I don't see them in the API. I don't think this is a prohibitively resource intensive query or that it can be used to ...
carlosdc's user avatar
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Is there an API to upload images to SE's imgur installation?

Is there an API for uploading images to the StackExchange-specific imgur installation? I could use the main imgur site, but they don't keep the images indefinitely. Use case: It would be ...
Szabolcs's user avatar
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How to get a post title for a given post ID, even if that post ID is an answer and not a question?

I'm trying to beautify the reputation audit. If I want to show the post title for a reputation change event, however, I have a problem -- I don't know if the post ID is relative to a question or an ...
badp's user avatar
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Site Icon Hash in

How do I cache the images properly, I think asked this somewhere before, but it hasn't affected me until gameing site went out of beta. It's HTTP headers or something isn't Ok I used George's answer ...
Jonathan.'s user avatar
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What is the best way to provide support for an unknowable number of StackExchange sites?

I just wrote an app for Chrome extensions and received a request to make it cross-StackExchange compatible. If there's eventually going to be more sites than just the few listed and I don't really ...
Jason's user avatar
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Can we have all possible closed reasons in help page?

Can we have all possible closed_reasons in help page and if possible, closed_reason_id, too? For example closed_reason_id=1, closed_reason="exact duplicate", closed_reason_id=2, closed_reason="off-...
YOU's user avatar
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display_name isn't always there (should have OpenID name if needed)

usually in the owner dictionary there is a display_name value to give the username. But in a few questions it simply doesn't exist and I can't see why only those questions: eg, this excerpt from the 0....
Jonathan.'s user avatar
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Can API stats return real revision number instead of 1234.5678?

Currently it returns like this "revision": "1.0.1234.5678" And looks like that number never changed. So, Can API return real revision number whenever there is an update? It will be very useful ...
YOU's user avatar
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Prevent that posts tagged with app or library enter Community Wiki mode when the owner edits it 8 times

I've edited my App 8 times and my question has switched automatically to Community Wiki (I'm aware that it's reported in the faq). The main reason of these many edits is my shaky english, but I can ...
systempuntoout's user avatar